Ultra Vires


Emily Orchard: Great CDO Director or Greatest?

There is no more stressful period of the 2L year than OCIs.  Many of us not realizing what we are in for are desperate for as much guidance as we can get.  Thankfully we have Emily Orchard, the Director of Career Services with the Career Development Office.

Emily is from Toronto.  She went to undergrad at Western, and law school at U of T.  She worked in private practice before joining the faculty and has worked with the CDO for about two years. She notes that as a person that didn’t know exactly what she wanted to do professionally, she hoped each new job would be fulfilling, and the CDO is the perfect combination of what she hopes the job will be and what she brings to the table.   When asked about what she likes in her job, her response is emblematic of her CDO persona – she immediately focuses on the students. “I love seeing how accomplished the students are.  You guys are all really amazing…I really expect to see you sitting as judges and running companies.”

Last summer, the CDO lost Jennifer Poon, effectively leaving Emily alone to handle a two person job.  Saddled with the extra burden of being the only counselor for the 200 2Ls neurotically tweaking resumes and cover letters, Emily handled the New York, Vancouver, and Toronto hiring cycles with incredible grace.  Often I’d see her and ask her how she was handling the double workload, her response was always the same – deflection of the question and selfless concern for the students.

I asked facebook if anyone had any Emily stories they wanted to share. This story really sums up Emily:

“Over 2L I had a number of interactions with Emily as I applied for a clerkship. She was amazing, helping me out with questions about interviews, cover letters, and the like, and was incredibly helpful and thoughtful throughout the entire process. She was super, super awesome.

During the summer, I was working in my office and someone came by to drop off a parcel addressed to me. I had never received mail prior to that (nor after that). I opened the package, and Emily had sent my newborn son an amazingly adorable outfit and a book, and had attached an incredibly nice note to the thoughtful, unexpected, wonderful gift. Emily Orchard is a saint.”

My personal story comes from the OCI process, where I wanted to interview with a firm that didn’t offer me an OCI.  I told Emily about it during the two days at the Convention Center, and I told her that I’d stick around until the end of the day in case there was a no show or cancellation – hoping that maybe she could sneak me into that spot. Emily then walked back to the firm’s booth and pleaded my case to them, convincing them to give me an interview during one of the breaks.  That interview turned into an in-firm, which turned into an offer.  I’ll always be grateful for her going to bat for me above and beyond what was asked or even expected.

She is a genuinely caring person, looking out for us in a way that is unmatched by any other faculty member at U of T Law.  She is currently the mother of one, with another one on the way, and we at UV want to congratulate her and wish her the best going forward.  It will be a sad day when Emily leaves the CDO, and hopefully that day won’t be anytime soon.  From the bottom of our hearts, thanks Emily.

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