Ultra Vires


Our Best Issue Yet

Emily Debono and I are proud of this year’s Ultra Vires.  Our editorial board has accomplished so much together.   This issue, more than any of the others, reflects the hard work of everyone who got involved – both editors and contributors.

Our Tuition Special involved real investigative journalism: reading Faculty Council minutes for the last 20 years, interviewing faculty and staff, and crunching numbers from various committee reports.  Whether you think tuition should be high or low, I encourage you to read our interview with Dean Moran and our piece on how and why tuition got so high.   We can’t have a normative debate about where our law school should be heading if we don’t even know how we got here.

Reading through the UV archives puts things in perspective.  Ten years ago, students fought harder against smaller tuition increases, and they still lost.  If we’re going to make any progress on this issue, we have to work together and we have to make our voices heard.   Sometimes you have to rock the boat.

I hope that ten years from now, the Editor in Chief of UV finds this issue in the archives and sees it as a turning point in student/administration relations.

The Tuition Special is just one of many great things about this issue, and for that I have so many people to thank.

I’d like to thank this year’s contributors because you guys made the paper what it is.  I just keep it humming.  Special shout-outs go to Lin Cong for her many thoughtful and funny contributions, to Leo Elias for writing my favourite article of the year, to Daniella Murynka for her crosswords and for painting an incredible mural in the UV office, and to Becky Lauks for her many Thoughtful Thoughts.

I’d also like to thank Alyssa Howes, an OCAD grad we brought in as layout editor this year, for her amazing work.  She’s the genius behind the paper’s new look and its new logo.  I’m always impressed by her patience when working with us crazy law students.

I’d like to thank our glorious Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Matt Brown, for giving me such a strong foundation to build upon – I couldn’t have done this year without you.  Thank you Cary Ferguson for your amazing photography and thank you Kevin Siu for making ultravires.ca a formidable website that now gets thousands of unique hits.  There are so many more people I have to thank than space allows, so I’ll be sure to talk to you in person over the next few weeks.

Finally, I’m very happy to be passing the torch to Emily Debono.  I could not be happier with my successor.  She’ll take UV on to bigger and better things.

And of course, I’ll stay on as Editor in Chief Emeritus.  You can pry my keyfob to Falconer from my cold dead hands.

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