Eryn Fanjoy (3L) & Jacquie Richards (4L)
- September 4, 2012: Day 1! Rainiest day of the year. Conveniently, E-legal “Stalkerbook” photos are also taken.
- Mid-September 2012: photos are posted and promptly hidden by 2/3 of the class, ruining stalkerbook’s run as the Law Tinder of the late 2000’s.
- November 2012: Law Games struggles to fill the spots reserved for the *ever involved* class of 2015.
- January 2013: Our first Law Games. Two 1Ls attend. You go, Kyle Gerow and Will Muir!
- February 13, 2013: Hayley makes her premiere as a rapping LHD with the immortal last words: “Your res judicata can suck my clit!”
- Reading Week 2013: 1L students are given the most confusing essay assignment in history. Some students, upsettingly, answer the wrong question and must re-write their essays.
- March 2013: Bo Luan falls off chair in admin law.
- Quote: “I can’t believe people still remember that.” – Bo Luan
- March 20, 2013: Brendan Stevens sings Robyn at the presidential debate and a generation of law students falls in love.
- April 22, 2013: The Class of 2015 gets blackout drunk together on the roof of Hemingway’s, marking the end of the worst year ever. Ever.
- June 4, 2013: Ground-breaking for the new Jackman Law Building, due for completion in 2015, 2016 at the latest, 100%!
- Summer 2013: The U of T Law Intramural Softball Team (with a HEAVY representation from the Class of 2015) kicks ass and wins all but one game.
- September 2013: Vic College!
- September 2013: Gabe Edelson begins stand-studying, marking the end of a comfortable study space in the Reading Room and ushering in a weird new era of 1Ls who look like orchestra conductors.
- September 16, 2013: Lauren Harper becomes a 2L Social Rep. This marks the end of her low-key life at law school and the beginning of her rise to true law school celebrity.
- September 19, 2013: U of T’s first ever Pub Trivia Night (ie. celibacy Thursdays, ie. Thursdays with Morrie)
- Quote: “Thanks, Ben Iscoe” – Jacquie and Eryn
- September 2013: Continuing in this sad celibacy trend, someone decides that we should start having regular pub nights at the Holiday Inn. Halfhearted Pitbull references abound!
- November 2013: The Class of 2014 very tactfully bets on the performance of the Class of 2015 in OCIs (note: none of the prize money was ultimately forwarded to students who landed unpaid internships)
- December 2013: Exams take place on fold-out desks, sparking a flurry of outrage only exceeded by the Spring Pledge Drive debacle and World War II, which was around when fold out desks were last used for law exams.
- December 25 & 26, 2013: Professor Niblett stars in Jeopardy. U of T law rises to international stardom.
- January 2014: Law Games in Montreal. Chad Pilkington meets his lady-love (forever changing his cover photo game)!
- February 24, 2014: Mayo Moran announces her impending departure. After several months of “Acting Dean Duggan,” no one is surprised.
- March 2014: An enormous flatscreen TV is installed in Birge Carnegie to track new building progress. Absolutely nothing happens for 6 months. Jacquie would know. She watched it all online.
- March 31, 2014: Jutta Brunée announced as Interim Dean, ushering an era of a very catchy monthly breakfast alliterations: [see Brunnée’s Brûlée Melelee]
- April 2014: War for lower tuition and Deangate 2014 die promptly with the graduation of the Class of 2014 (only to be replaced with the equally important war against unpaid internships)
- August 2014: U of T law students breathe a sigh of collective relief when Andy Poolhall (finally) closes, meaning pub night goers need never again be subjected to “Beatdown Thursdays”.
- September 19, 2014: Scary revelation for the classes of 2014/2015— there has been mould and asbestos in the old building basement for 30 years!
- September 19, 2014, five minutes later: U of T announces that mould and asbestos will be removed from the old building basement!
- October 23, 2014: Dean Search 2014 comes to an end with the announcement that Professor Edward Iacobucci would be filling the role
- November 2014: Eryn starts and finishes watching all 10 seasons of Friends (#3L)
- December 25, 2014: Chris Yeretsian and Emily Gilmour get engaged. This is the first Class of 2015 couple to announce that they will tie the knot (but hopefully not the last … looking at you, Lauren and Max!)
- December 29, 2014: The Brendan Stevens follows in Chris and Emily’s footsteps and gets engaged to the tune of 734 Facebook likes
- January 9, 2015: 3Ls make an effort to not ruin their reputation and bid *nothing* at the live auction component of the Promise Auction
- January 28, 2015: U of T’s winning moot season kicks off
- February 25, 2015: Spring Pledge Drive launched
- March 4, 2015: Spring Pledge Drive fails
- March 5, 2015: Law Ball takes place at a new location and on a THURSDAY night. U of T law finally recognizes the Sabbath set.
- March 2015: Eryn and Jacquie struggle thinking of anything notable that happened over the past 3 years because our class does nothing…. Nothing
- Quote: “Does the Class of 2015 ever goes to pub night?” – Jacquie