Ultra Vires


2016 Law Ball Survey Results

Simon Cameron (2L)

Each year, Ultra Vires surveys all law ball attendees. The results are analyzed and collated here for the benefits of future years.

  • There is no statistical connection between LSAT score and success at law ball.
  • There is no statistical connection between grades and success at law ball.
  • There is no statistical way of measuring success at law ball.

Ultra Vires also received comments from attendees.

  • “Grades will get you in the door, but they lose their importance once law ball begins. The people at my table were not impressed by my transcript.”
  • “I was expecting more substantive discussion, but it was very conversational. People didn’t even seem to care what I learned as a RA.”
  • “They will tell you otherwise, but everyone is at law ball for themselves. Don’t trust anyone ever again.”
  • “Go to as many practice law balls as you possibly can.”
  • “Try and get business cards from everyone you meet. Send thank you letters in the evening.”

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