Alex Carmona (3L)
Troll in the Dungeon! Or, rather, #mouse in the Library. The administration has recently ignited students’ tempers by blaming students’ food for the infestation, and has doubled down on its “strict prohibition” of your goddamn granola bar. What do you think?

I think we pay too much money to not be able to eat in the library. There is no difference — aside from the desire to preserve its “newness” — for imposing this rule in this reading room and not in the one in birge where, if I recall correctly, the admin has actually encouraged eating (e.g. candy and pizza before the written work deadline). It’s not the grapes that I’m consuming as I type this in the new library that are the cause of the mouse issue – it’s the fact that our building is unfinished and is a lot warmer/drier in here than the outdoors. I’d move in too if I were a mouse.
Madchen Funk (3L)
The administration’s job is to remove obstacles to our success, and provide a space where we can focus and do our best. Forcing us to leave the library every time we want a snack is ridiculous. The mice are your problem, not ours.
Joe McGrade (4L)
My main concern is whether this situation is better described as argle-bargle or foofaraw. Everybody just tuck your pants into your socks and carry on as before. I, for one, welcome our new rodent overlords.
Harrison Cruikshank (3L)
The solution is obvious; cats, then dogs, then bears, then 0Ls.
Bernd Buschke (3L)
I admit, I’m to blame. You caught me. I’ve been feeding a village of mice in the basement since the library opened. I volunteer to be sacrificed by the library staff to Bora Laskin’s head as penance.
Jordan Stone (3L)
Our law school should build a wall. We need to build a wall and it has to be built quickly. It will be a great, great wall – a beautiful wall, in fact – and I don’t mind having a big beautiful door in that wall so that people (and mice) can come into this law school legally, but we need…to build a wall. And Osgoode will pay for the wall. Trust me, when Osgoode sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing undergrads. They’re bringing mice. They’re bringing food. And some, I assume, are good mice. But as I said, Osgoode will pay for the wall.
Bilal Manji (3L)
In 25 years as a law librarian at this institution I have never witnessed law library staff, some who have been here for more than 35 years and who are so hardworking and conscientious, come under such spurious attacks on Twitter. I am incredibly disheartened when people who have devoted their lives to service are treated with such scorn and disdain.
Interim Chief Librarian Gian Medves