Ultra Vires


Computer Habits of a Student Post-OCIs

Kevin Schoenfeldt (2L)

In the name of science, an anonymous student agreed to have a monitoring system installed on their personal computer to record their computer habits in the days and weeks following October’s OCI process. What follows are excerpts from the results.

Oct. 8 8:30 am: Student loads Gmail.com

Oct. 8 8:31 am: Student refreshes page

Oct. 8 8:32 am: Student loads lawstudents.ca/forums/topic/toronto-2017-2l-recruitment

Oct. 8 8:33 am: Student refreshes page

Oct. 8 1:02 pm: Student loads Gmail.com

Oct. 8 1:03 pm: Student opens new email reply from [REDACTED]

Oct. 8 1:05 pm: Student Googles, “What does ‘good luck with the process’ mean?”

Oct. 9 10:11 am: Student loads Gmail.com

Oct. 9 10:12 am: Student Googles, “How to boil an egg?”

Oct. 9 10:14 am: Student Googles, “How to soft boil an egg?”

Oct. 9 10:15 am: Student Googles, “How to peel boiled egg?”

Oct. 9 10:16 am: Student Googles, “Are boiled eggs good for you?”

Oct. 9 10:17 am: Student Googles, “What to do if ate too many boiled eggs?”

Oct. 9 10:22 am: Student Googles, “How to know if you are stress eating?”

Oct. 9 8:32 pm: Student loads Gmail.com

Oct. 9 8:33 pm: Student loads lawstudents.ca/forums/topic/toronto-2017-2l-recruitment/page-3

Oct. 9 8:33 pm: Student loads Gmail.com

Oct. 9 8:34 pm: Student loads lawstudents.ca/forums/topic/toronto-2017-2l-recruitment/page-3

Oct. 9 8:35 pm: Student copies text, “ITC from [REDACTED] U of T”

Oct. 9 8:35 pm: Student opens Messages. Pastes copied text. Types: “I AM UNHIREABLE AND NOBODY LIKES ME AND ALSO I’M THE WORST.” Student clicks send

Oct. 11 4:47 am: Student Googles, “What law firm best law firm?”

Oct. 11 4:49 am: Student Googles, “What frim Tornto is good fun?”

Oct. 11 4:53 am: Student Googles, “How 2 b good at getting email from firm u like?”

Oct. 11 11:44 am: Student Googles, “Boiled egg good hangover remedy?”

Oct. 13 3:29 pm: Student loads Gmail.com

Oct. 13 3:29 pm: Student opens new email from [REDACTED].

Oct. 13 3:29 pm: Student clicks reply. Student types, “Dear Most Boring Firm On Earth, Although it was terrible to meet you, I wouldn’t accept an interview even if you offered one so you can take your “difficult decision” and…”

Oct. 13 3:31 pm: Student deletes draft

Oct. 15 9:01 am: Student loads Gmail.com

Oct. 15 9:03 am: Student refreshes page

Oct. 15 9:04 am: Student refreshes page

Oct. 15 9:07 am: Student refreshes page

Oct. 15 9:11 am: Student refreshes page

Oct. 15 9:17 am: Student refreshes page

Oct. 15 9:23 am: Student refreshes page

Oct. 15 10:32 pm: Student refreshes page

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