Ultra Vires


A Select Few Dates Other Things Started This Month, Apropos Of Nothing

Maud Rozee (2L)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017: Osgoode Hall Law School’s Winter Term

This date is a classic. One of my favourites for the way it subtly respects the common decency of allowing its students to have a New Year’s Day holiday.

Week of Monday, January 9, 2017: University of Toronto Graduate Classes

This one blows me away. They could have started Monday January 2. It would’ve been so easy. They chose not to. You don’t often see courage like this anymore.

Monday, January 9, 2017: Supreme Court of Canada’s Winter Session

The Supreme Court once again shows its fearless leadership with this bold, strong starting date. I truly admire whoever stepped up to ensure the Justices wouldn’t have to take an early flight back to Ottawa on New Year’s Day for a January 2 start.

Kind of unclear: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Comes Back from Vacation

But definitely after January 2. The Prime Minister set an example for all Canadians by giving himself time to recover from his New Year’s Eve hangover before rushing back to work. He did not almost throw up at his gate in Vancouver International Airport. He is an inspiration.

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