Ultra Vires


Intramurals: The Independent Student Sports Teams of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law


Sahil Kesar (1L) & Alexis Vaughan (3L)

This year, the Faculty of Law saw a drastic increase in both intramural participation and performance. The faculty fielded fifteen teams across six different sports this past semester, with more in store for the Winter semester. Law students continue to surprise other faculties with their athleticism, but not with their arguments on rules and close calls. This semester also saw the introduction of our Faculty of Law jerseys, which have been a huge success among athletes, non-athletes, and even members of the administration. Every team would be happy to welcome new members in the Winter semester.

Men’s Flag Football

The men’s flag football team lost the Championship Ring by a hair in a heartbreaker at Varsity Stadium. However, they can take comfort in the fact that all the fans in attendance (pictured) agreed that they were the better looking of the two teams.

Co-Ed Soccer

While not always the most skilled team on the field, the Law team definitely gave others a run for their money. This was the first year that U of T has offered a co-ed intramural soccer league, and it didn’t disappoint! The Law team, most of whom didn’t know each other, really came together at the end of the season while battling weather and low turnout. Hope to see everyone again (and some new faces) when we move under the bubble next semester!

Women’s Soccer

The women’s soccer team has also had a great season. At the time of printing, the team is still in contention for the coveted Championship T-shirt after emerging victorious from their first playoff game against a deep UTSC side. Team Captains Chloe and Michelle had the following to say of their teammates: “It’s been a great season with a great group of girls, and a huge shout out to all of our awesome 1L ladies who came out this semester!”

Co-Ed Ultimate (Frisbee)

The co-ed ultimate team concluded a wildly successful season on November 19. The team went undefeated in the regular season, finishing with a perfect 5-0 record, and went on to win the division Championships against the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE) team in a nail-biting 7-6 finishan even greater achievement considering the opponents study how to play sports well. The game was hard-fought on both sides, with both teams doing their best to stave off the blistering cold. The game was tied 6-6 when wunderkind Joel Voss made a gravity-defying hammer throw cross-field to speedy Scott Lin in the end zone, securing the team’s victory as well as his very own place in history.

Men’s Basketball

The “A” Team had a great season, despite falling short of the success they had become accustomed to in the glory days of their franchise (i.e. Winter 2016). Law A ran roughshod over its pool—the competition was ill-equipped to respond to the team’s dynamic combination of size and tight hamstrings. Only a buzzer-beating thirty footer from PT/OT could stop Law A in the regular season. In the playoffs, the team made it to the quarterfinals before being handed a loss from a long, athletic KPE ‘B’ squad. A great season all around!

Women’s Basketball

The women’s basketball team had a learning season. They often struggled with having enough players on the court, but the team has really come together as the season wraps up. The team has improved its passing game and the offence has started to distribute itself well. The team is showing promise and it looks to be a force to be reckoned with come next semester.

Co-Ed Basketball

Co-Ed Basketball had an interesting season, full of ups and downs. The highlight of the regular season was a close game—which they will continue to argue should have been called a draw—against Trinity College. They went toe-to-toe with a strong team and lost by two points. The best thing to come out of the season has been the cheer squad from University College that came to watch and support all of HoopLaw’s games! Apparently people really don’t like Trinity College.

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