No press interns were harmed as a result of this announcement
This semester, many of you have asked about our plans to present Law Follies amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Some have expressed fears that we would prioritize student health over the law school’s annual comedy revue.
Follies is now proud to announce that, despite COVID restrictions, the show must go on. Thus, we have established a partnership that will allow students to enjoy a night of laughter and revelry in a prime location.
Law Follies 2021 will be hosted at one of the most prestigious Four Seasons locations in the Toronto metropolitan area. Just steps away from Queen Street East* and in close proximity to attractions such as Wet’n’Wild Toronto and Claireville Ranch, the parking lot of Four Seasons Site Development Ltd. is sure to provide showgoers with the opportunity to enjoy live, open-air comedy at a safe social distance from the heart of Brampton.
The location announcement comes as a response to student criticisms from years prior. Because of past complaints about the distance students had to travel on the TTC, our production team has selected a location which will require students to spend less time on the TTC and more time on Brampton public transit. Furthermore, students concerned by the vulgarity of past shows will be happy to learn that this year’s Follies will feature innovations in live censorship, with randomly selected jokes being drowned out by flyovers from nearby Pearson International Airport.
To assuage any remaining concerns, we have collected the following testimonials:
“The staff assured me that the facilities are totally COVID safe, as nobody has actually set foot in this neighbourhood for several years.” – Zac Kroll, Follies Creative Director
“Worthy of hosting some of Canada’s brightest future leaders, featuring great networking opportunities for those interested in labour and employment law.” – Giancarlo Discenza, Follies Head Writer
“It was cheap.” – BLG
In the event that the venue is double-booked for Doug Ford’s impending COVID lockdown system version 6.4 (now with twice as many classification colours), Follies will proceed with an online show in mid-March, with further details to follow.
*AKA Peel Regional Road 107. Not to be confused with the other, inferior Queen Street East, which does not provide access to Brampton at all.
Editor’s Note: Zac Kroll and Claudia Shek are the directors of Law Follies. Giancarlo Discenza and Ashley Qian are the head writers of Law Follies.