U of T Law plans for a return to an in-person fall term
On March 4, Vice-President & Provost Cheryl Regehr and Vice-President of Human Resources & Equity Kelly Hannah-Moffat released a statement about the University of Toronto’s Fall 2021 Plans — one that looked forward to a Fall semester with a possibility of in-person classes.
“We are looking forward, with optimism, to fall 2021 when people can once more gather on our campuses, as permitted by public health guidelines,” the statement reads.
Although fall semester plans have not yet been solidified, the statement encourages everyone to “continue planning towards the goal of in-person fall activities.”
Assistant Dean Alexis Archbold has echoed this statement, saying that the law school would follow the University’s direction on questions of in-person curricular and cocurricular plans.
While the law school is planning for a return to an in-person fall term, Dean Jutta Brunnée heeded caution. During the March 24 Faculty Council, Dean Brunnée said to “expect the unexpected.”
A return to in-person learning, will be accompanied by the public health measures that U of T introduced this year. These measures include social distancing, mask mandates, and restrictions on international travel. U of T has also introduced a number of new protocols to prepare for a gradual, safe return to campus.
With the planned resumption of in-person learning, there are also hopes for greater in-person student advising, mental health services, and co-curricular programs. These services are currently available online, with some limited services in person.
With a full year of intermittent lockdowns under the law community’s belts, these plans are a welcome symbol of hope. But as governments and health officials have advised, continued vigilance is necessary.
You can find updates and more information about U of T’s COVID-19 response at UTogether: A Road Map.