January 26, 2022
Dear Readers,
We’re back, back, back, back again! We hope you all had a restful break and are adjusting well into another short-lived return of Zoom School of Law. With rising COVID-19 case counts, fall grades, 1L recruit, clerkship applications, mooting factums, and the start of a new semester, it’s been a busy entrance into 2022. We hope you are finding moments to breathe and relax amidst the chaos.
In this issue, you will find news and reflections on the rather stressful fall examination period, a look at the top Supreme Court cases of 2021, a review of the proposed Falconer Hall construction (goodbye, our beloved basement office), critiques of our mental health supports, and more. We’ve also included movie recommendations, wine and burger reviews, personality quizzes, horoscopes, and bingo to bring a smile to your face.
You’ll notice that this issue is released exclusively online. Fear not, lovers of print. Once we return to in-person classes in February, we’ll be back in the atrium, heckling you to take a print copy while you’re already running late to class. But let’s be real, a new issue of UV is much more interesting than your securities lecture.
As always, if you have any comments, are looking for ways to get involved with UV, or just want to say hi, you can reach us at editor@ultravires.ca.
Stay well!
Sabrina Macklai & Annecy Pang
Co-Editors-in-Chief, Ultra Vires Vol 23