Ultra Vires


Law Ball is Back

SLS announces return of the biggest event on the law school social calendar

Before the pandemic, hundreds of U of T Law students eagerly awaited the most extravagant night of dinner, drinking, and dancing: the annual law ball. The law ball is touted to be the highlight of a law student’s social calendar, where students of all years, as well as some professors, gather at a venue in Toronto for an unforgettable night in formal attire. The night is purely for celebration—students take a night to rejoice with their friends and classmates outside of the lecture-hall setting and commemorate the end of another rigorous academic year.

The Students’ Law Society (SLS) Social and Finance Committee announced earlier this month that the hotly-anticipated law ball will return this year, after being canceled for the past two years due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The date is set for April 1, subject to Ontario’s public health restrictions being lifted as expected. This year, the law ball is proposed to be held at The Eglinton Grand, an event venue and theatre which has housed many law balls in the past. 

The Eglinton Grand, https://eglintongrand.com/

Per the Ontario Reopening Roadmap, there should not be any capacity restrictions in place by the time of the event. However, should the restrictions return, SLS President Willem Crispin-Frei (3L) shared that the SLS has plans to sell tickets in three blocks based on time of purchase so that capacity restrictions can be followed. If capacity is not lowered, Crispin-Frei stated that all 1Ls and upper year students should have the opportunity to attend. 

This is an especially exciting time for 3L students. When schools closed across the province for the first time in 2020, law students reluctantly put their already-purchased law ball attire on hold, anticipating the event’s return. If all goes to plan, 3L students this year, who were 1Ls when the pandemic started, will be attending their first law ball. Vivian Cheng (3L), in a comment to UV, expressed her excitement when reading SLS’s law ball announcement: “Given the numerous lockdowns we’ve had throughout my time in law school, I really didn’t think we would have a law ball. I’m excited to dress up, eat good food, and see people.” Even though she has been looking forward to attending a law ball since 1L, Cheng hopes that safety precautions will be maintained.

Tickets will begin to go on sale during the week of February 28. Crispin-Frei shared that there will be a brief advance sale for 3L students to ensure that all 3Ls, and potentially graduating students, have an opportunity to attend. After this, tickets will be made available to 2Ls and 1Ls, with any remaining tickets available for guests. The ticket price will include hors d’oeuvres, two late night food stations, and an open bar. This has been common for law balls in the past, with snacks being served throughout the night to complement the open bar.

Reflecting on the return of this event after two years, Crispin-Frei shared that he is “most looking forward to our students having a chance to reconnect and participate in a traditional law school event.” SLS Vice President Social Thryn Irwin (3L) echoed this sentiment, stating that the SLS is looking forward to an opportunity to “give the graduating students a chance to say goodbye and give other students a chance to bond together and meet new friends.” 

More information regarding the theme, ticket sales, pricing, timing, guests, capacity limits, public health measures, and the menu will be released by the SLS via email before the end of reading week.

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