2022-2023 SLS Election Results

Sabrina Macklai

Many positions remain vacant amidst a quiet election season

Many characterize student government roles as thankless jobs. You volunteer many hours, are met with countless obstacles and bureaucratic red tape, and will still face scrutiny from your peers and your favourite student newspaper. 

Nonetheless, 19 students ran during the Students’ Law Society (SLS) 2022 Spring General Election from March 11 to 18. The students came from varying backgrounds with different experiences on or with the SLS. Most emphasized their interest in providing more support for law students, working to amend the Faculty’s policies, and fostering greater community.

Unlike in previous years, there was reduced competition for the 22 available positions. Six positions were acclaimed and four positions remain vacant.  

27 percent of the law school (185 out of 688 students) voted in the election. The results are as follows:

Executive Committee

President: Meaza Damte 

Vice-President Finance: Marco Ciccone

Vice-President Student Life: Julia Campbell

Vice-President Social: Madison Frehlick

Social and Finance Representatives

2L (acclaimed): Samar Omidi, Genevieve Simmons, Donya Ashnaei, Diego Jiminez Juri

3L: Alex Day, Saskia De Vries, Alex Rego, Apples Mastrogiacomo

Student Life and Academic Representatives

2L: Justin Kim, Milana Grahovac, Caeleb “Rae” Goff, Ben Kitching

3L (acclaimed): Paul Mohan, John Metzger

A heartfelt congratulations to the candidates elected and all those who ran. Despite a quieter election season, the candidates put forth great campaigns and shared thoughtful ideas for the new year. 

The Fall General Election will take place in September 2022. The positions available in that election will be:

  • Vice-President Academic (one position)
  • UTSU Law Director (one position)
  • 3L Student Life and Academic (SLAC) Reps (two positions)
  • 1L Student Life and Academic (SLAC) Reps (four positions)
  • 1L Social and Finance (SFC) Reps (four positions)

While being involved in student government can be tiring and frustrating at times, it is indisputable that the work is crucial for seeing change in the institution. This year’s Students’ Law Society made strides in amending the law school’s accommodations policy, working towards implementing a mandatory Indigenous law course, and reviving in-person activities after over two years of “unprecedented times”. Next year’s SLS will face new, exciting challenges under a passionate and experienced Executive Committee.



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