“Not So Haunted”

1 Mollusk | CLAM |
5 Pub game | DARTS |
10 Animal form assumed by Zeus to seduce 32-Down | SWAN |
14 Politician’s assistant | AIDE |
15 Indigenous Alaskan | ALEUT |
16 Island home to Honolulu | OAHU |
17 Dales | LEAS |
18 Ski resort employee, slangily | LIFTY |
19 Not new | USED |
20 Concerns with an embalmed pharaoh? | MUMMYISSUES |
23 Evil forest witch | HAG |
24 ___ of Eden | EAST |
25 Take to task | CHIDE |
27 Whitewater investigator | STARR |
30 Modern suffix with man, in case you didn’t know… | SPLAIN |
33 Pro’s opposite | CON |
34 Hors d’oeuvres possessed by Satan? | DEVILEDEGGS |
39 Eons | AGES |
41 Attached an undersurface to a shoe | SOLED |
42 Recipe unit | STEP |
43 Flying mammal with a penchant for America’s pastime? | BASEBALLBAT |
46 Rowing tool | OAR |
47 Brook, Lake, and Rainbow | TROUTS |
48 Name of eight kings | HENRY |
50 Actress Lindsay | LOHAN |
52 Word derived from “indivisible” | ATOM |
54 Night before | EVE |
55 Author of paranormal fiction? | GHOSTWRITER |
62 Workspace | DESK |
64 Ham it up | EMOTE |
65 Female bunny in Space Jam | LOLA |
66 Bleak | GRIM |
67 Oil, acrylic, and watercolour | MEDIA |
68 Egyptian goddess | ISIS |
69 Information on boarding passes | ETAS |
70 Morsel between meals | SNACK |
71 Stat | ASAP |
1 Anagram for 1-Across | CALM |
2 “In _____ of flowers…” | LIEU |
3 Singer (and adulterer) Levine | ADAM |
4 Forefather of hypnosis | MESMER |
5 Paintings that may feature melting clocks or giant eggs | DALIS |
6 Top tier | ALIST |
7 Calls fouls, for short | REFS |
8 Anti-apartheid leader | TUTU |
9 Eye issue | STYE |
10 Old French coin | SOU |
11 City or state name | WASHINGTON |
12 Leading | AHEAD |
13 Physical prompt | NUDGE |
21 Imperial unit | YARD |
22 Abundance | SCAD |
26 Moves hastily | HIES |
27 Worker crossing a picket line | SCAB |
28 Roman wrap | TOGA |
29 Procedure before surgery, often | ANESTHESIA |
30 Places for pies | SILLS |
31 Ordinary person, derogatorily | PLEB |
32 See 10-Across | LEDA |
35 Biblical son of Isaac | ESAU |
36 Electricity unit | VOLT |
37 Equipment | GEAR |
38 Lively and fit | SPRY |
40 Word repeated after “Que” in a song of old | SERA |
44 Cannabis paraphernalia | BONG |
45 God of Thunder | THOR |
49 Game of Thrones actress Clarke | EMILIA |
50 Precipice | LEDGE |
51 Obvious | OVERT |
52 Spookiest room in the house, usually | ATTIC |
53 Make a minor change | TWEAK |
56 Adjusts the length (of pants, say) | HEMS |
57 Cryptic warning | OMEN |
58 Carbonated water | SODA |
59 Eject | TOSS |
60 Director Kazan | ELIA |
61 Speak hoarsely | RASP |
63 Dist. units | KMS |