Ultra Vires


Welcome From Your SLS Executive Team

Start of semester update from the Students’ Law Society

1Ls, we hope U of T Law has welcomed you with open arms. Upper years, welcome to your first full year of the U of T Law experience! The following is an update on the Students’ Law Society’s (SLS) activities.

What have we been up to on the Student Life and Academic Committee (SLAC)?

Course Selection: While Assistant Dean Sara Faherty’s inbox was and continues to be overrun, SLAC has also received our fair share of feedback on course selection. We took your nightmarish Cognomos experiences to the U of T Law administration. The bad news—Cognomos, despite its seemingly endless problems, is sticking around. The good news—hopefully it runs better next year, which is likely since there has been year-over-year improvement. We recognize this is little consolation to the Class of 2023, but we hear you and now the senior administration has also heard your grievances. If you are still having issues with your courses, email Assistant Dean Faherty.

Lecture Recording Policy: The administration recently published a new and improved lecture recording policy, titled “JD Academic Accommodations and Considerations Policy.” This is a big win for students and the culmination of continuous advocacy by the Disabled Law Students Association (DLSA) and the SLS. However, the implementation of the policy has faced a myriad of obstacles and caused confusion for students and professors alike. We have been working closely with the DLSA to ensure U of T Law is truly accessible to everyone. The SLS looks forward to collaborating with the DLSA and the administration over the course of the year. 

What have we been up to on the Social and Finance Committee (SFC)?

SFC has been hard at work, planning a year full of in-person events to catch up on what we missed during the pandemic! Call to the Bar has resumed in full force and a Halloween event is already in the works! 

The return to in-person learning means that clubs’ funding is fully available and waiting to be spent. The SLS has allocated $5,000 dollars per semester to fund club events. We encourage club leaders to attend the Student Leaders Workshop hosted by Madison Frehlick (3L), Vice-President, Social, and Sara-Marni Hubbard, Student Programs Manager, on September 30 to learn more. You can find the club funding application here. Please try to apply at least 14 days in advance of when you need the funds. If you apply within 14 days of your event, we can’t guarantee we will get to your application on time. 

Next month, load up on your law school merch with the SLS Clothing Sale, meet law students from across the city with our Toronto Law Student Mixer, and show us your spookiest outfits at the Halloween Costume Contest!

The SLS Executive Committee (L–R): Madison Frehlick (3L), Vice-President, Social; Julia Campbell (2L), Vice-President, Student Life; Meaza Damte (3L), President; Marco Ciccone (2L), Vice-President, Finance. Credit: Ian T.D. Thomson

Meaza Damte is the President of the Students’ Law Society for 2022–23.

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