“Date Night Movies”

1 Cynical | JADED |
6 Breeding stallion | STUD |
10 Design detail, for short | SPEC |
14 Kalamata or Castelvetrano | OLIVE |
15 Animal rights grp. | PETA |
16 Rice-shaped pasta | ORZO |
17 Censor on-air | BLEEP |
18 Paper quantity | REAM |
19 Cross (a stream) | FORD |
20 Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck (1953) | ROMANHOLIDAY |
23 Canadian courier company | ICS |
26 “He that is without ___ among you, let him first cast a stone.” (John 8:7) | SIN |
27 U.S. spy agency | CIA |
28 Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts (1999) | NOTTINGHILL |
32 Porcine animal | PIG |
35 Paint the town, say | GOOUT |
36 Solo head-to-head | ONEONONE |
38 Commercial prefix to mobile | OLDS |
39 Makes a “Top 10” list | RANKS |
41 Third northernmost national capital | OSLO |
42 Hybrid offensive position in football | TIGHTEND |
44 Bustling | ASTIR |
45 Home for a 32-Across | STY |
46 John Cusak and Ione Skye (1989) | SAYANYTHING |
49 Tarnish | MAR |
50 You can make a meal out of it | OAT |
51 Golf ball holder | TEE |
52 Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy (2004) | BEFORESUNSET |
58 Depart | EXIT |
59 Drug enforcement officer, slangily | NARC |
60 Parrot species | MACAW |
64 Astringent | TART |
65 “Thank You” singer | DIDO |
66 Trim back | PRUNE |
67 Rounds, for short | AMMO |
68 Impoverished urban settlement | SLUM |
69 Litigator’s favourite pastry? | TORTE |
1 Bank heist, maybe | JOB |
2 Nothing’s counterpart | ALL |
3 “The”, to Hans | DIE |
4 At any time | EVER |
5 Silt layer | DEPOSIT |
6 Leapt | SPRANG |
7 Adolescent | TEEN |
8 U.S. state whose population is 55 percent Mormon | UTAH |
9 Eponym for a parable about the perils of power | DAMOCLES |
10 Filmmaker Coppola | SOFIA |
11 Poke | PROD |
12 Actor Miller at the centre of numerous recent controversies | EZRA |
13 Juno (2007) screenwriter Diablo | CODY |
21 Max. counterpart | MIN |
22 Hawaiian Disney protagonist | LILO |
23 Gold blocks | INGOTS |
24 “Settle down” | COOLIT |
25 Old and dull | STODGY |
29 Heinie | TUSH |
30 Maker of the first four-wheel-drive car | HONDA |
31 Sign (a deal) | INK |
32 Sticky note brand | POSTIT |
33 Like most modern rollerskates | INLINE |
34 Person second in line to the British throne | GEORGE |
37 Snack | NOSH |
39 Collides from behind | REARENDS |
40 At all | ANY |
43 Bygone Russian ruler | TSAR |
44 Try | ATTEMPT |
47 Enlisted officer, for short | NONCOM |
48 Word preceding “queen”, in modern parlance | YAS |
49 Words to live by | MOTTO |
52 Early software version | BETA |
53 It can be oral or written | EXAM |
54 Tofu variety | FIRM |
55 Canadian outdoor gear company | SAIL |
56 Lahore language | URDU |
57 Root vegetable sometimes made into chips | TARO |
61 Violent canine | CUR |
62 Animal that can carry 50 times its own bodyweight | ANT |
63 Tiny, to a Scot | WEE |