A conversation with Sophie Fu (3L), one of Follies’ fearlessly funny leaders

Ultra Vires (UV): For readers who are unfamiliar with Law Follies, would you mind describing what it is?
Sophie Fu (SF): Law Follies is a beloved U of T Law tradition where, each year, students from the faculty write, direct, produce, and perform in a musical comedy show for the whole school. It’s sick: imagine a glee club mixed with a comedy troupe but packed with anxious law students yearning for some form of emotional outlet and stress relief. The show mainly revolves around poking fun at law school, the legal profession, and ourselves through acting, singing, and dancing.
UV: Could you describe what the process of putting the show together is like?
SF: The making of a Follies entails different forms of work in the fall and winter terms. In the fall, we focus on writing and host a weekly Writer’s Room, where we bounce ideas off each other and edit submitted scripts. Casting, filming, and video editing happen in the winter. Altogether, it usually takes six months to put the show together, with the busiest periods being in January and February before the show.
UV: How many students are involved with putting Law Follies on?
SF: It depends. We welcome anyone interested in getting involved and try to engage as many students as possible. Law professors are also involved in acting for Law Follies.
UV: How long have you been involved with Follies?
SF: I have been involved with Law Follies since 1L, taking on various roles such as actress, editor, and sketch director.
UV: What is your current role in Law Follies, and what are your responsibilities?
SF: My current role is Co-Director, and I’m responsible for overseeing the filming, production, and logistics of the show, along with the executive team and other members of Follies.
UV: What is your favourite thing about Law Follies?
SF: Being part of Law Follies is so much fun! It’s always great to take a break from school, find my artistic side, and make good friends!
UV: Is there a sketch you’re most excited about in this upcoming Follies?
SF: A small spoiler alert…but I’m looking forward to a sketch about AI and tax…
UV: Do you have a favourite sketch from previous years’ Follies?
SF: There are so many! It’s hard to pick a favourite. I like the sketch called Cognomore from 2022 because it resonates with me so well.
UV: When and where is Law Follies this year?
SF: Law Follies 2023 is returning as a pre-filmed revue show and premiere night is March 16, 2023, at the Scotiabank Theatre.
UV: Finally, how can students acquire tickets, and when will they become available!?
SF: Tickets are FREE this year, but we will kindly ask students to donate to any charities if they can. We will release information on acquiring tickets in mid to late February. We can’t wait to see you there and LOL together!