Ultra Vires


Can you say LAWkward?

That Lawkward Moment When…Niblett calls on unsuspecting 1Ls on the first class of the first day back to school

That Lawkward Moment When…Niblett calls on unsuspecting 1Ls on the first class of the first day back to school and accurately gets the right name and the right person

That Lawkward Moment When…Upperyears laugh at the fact that frosh take the 1L Summer Employment so seriously that they break out in hives about the prospect of not being employed for the summer

That Lawkward Moment When…you finally understand upperyear wisdom/advice from O-Week, (that “Admin is a class about nothing” after attending the anomaly that is Admin class and not understanding what was happening)

That Lawkward Moment When…your prof prefaces exam handout with a disclaimer to “refrain from attaching self-worth to exam grades” and you do exactly that.

That Lawkward Moment When…you get your ‘failsafe’ exams and you feel like you still failed.

That Lawkward Moment When…you get your exams back and feel good about them and everyone and their aunt tells you to not get so cocky because those don’t count for shit.

That Lawkward Moment When…family and friends ask you how your exams went and you don’t know how to explain because of the weird scale and also because you aren’t quite sure

That Lawkward Moment When…a panelist at the CDO Resume/Cover Letter Sessions says she looks for “resilience” on your cover letters but you hear “Brazilians” and wonder how to possibly convey that in your application paper in utter confusion

That Lawkward Moment When…you discover a new scientific unit of measurement CU, “Chapman Units”

That Lawkward Moment When…you actually believe the “new year, new me” mantra was inspiring

That Lawkward Moment When… it’s 24 days since New Year’s and exactly 24 days since you broke your New Year’s Resolutions

That Lawkward Moment When…you no longer believe the “new year, new me” mantra and see it for the self-deception strategy it truly is

That Lawkward Moment When…you speak to a mentor about school/life balance and they die laughing.

That Lawkward Moment When…your friends ask when you’re free to hang out…and you never are.

That Lawkward Moment When… I spent more time concocting this literary gem instead of doing my Crim readings.

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