Ultra Vires


An Open Letter to Everyone Who Considered Writing for UV This Year

Many of you have told me that you’d write something for UV this year. In the middle of completely unrelated conversations, you’ll say “Hey, when’s the next issue of UV coming out? Why didn’t you remind me to write something?! When’s the next deadline? I’m totally going to write for that one. Yeah, I actually mean it this time.” You know who you are.

Well guys, this month I’m holding you to it. The next and final deadline is Wednesday March 19th. Each and every one of you is cordially invited to write. Tell everyone you know. Mark it in your calendars, highlight it and underline it twice. Do whatever it takes. It’s going to be the last issue of the year and we want you to be a part of it.

Being a law student at U of T certainly has its pros and cons, but what we often take for granted is that – unlike students at many other faculties – we have access to a newspaper to air our (sometimes serious, sometimes not but always numerous) grievances. This issue addresses some deep concerns- building delays, unfair prejudice against transfers, the Faculty Blog map controversy, and 1L curriculum change to name a few. It also highlights some of the lighter aspects of law student life: Follies, LDTB (see Point/Counterpoint for David Pardy’s enlightened analysis of the phenomenon described by this acronym), and the disappointment of a reading week wasted.

If you’ve ever considered writing for UV, please take the plunge. Our hope is that the final issue of the year will have more contributors than any before, and be reflective of whatever measure of diversity the Diversity Survey can plausibly claim exists in our community. Feel free to contact at us at ultra.vires@utoronto.ca with any questions or to run ideas by us. But do it soon… March 19th is fast approaching and you’re totally going to write for this one.



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