Ultra Vires


Word on the Street: What did you do right after OCIs?

I walked to the corner of Bay and King and stood in all the lobbies, suit on, arms crossed, and tried to figure out if I actually fit in.

Michael Cockburn


Step 1: Removed nude pantyhose.

Step 2: Donned sweatpants.

Step 3: Ordered pad thai.

Emma Romano

I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with a Dark & Stormy (or 4).

  • Alayna Dueck

Right after OCIs I bought a bottle of wine under the assumption that I would go to pub night to celebrate. I spent the night on my couch watching South Park instead.

  • Madison Hass

Ate a pizza pantsless and then passed out.

  • Rona Ghanbari


Combination shower beer and sit down shower.

Jake Gehlen


“I waited around for the snacks to be brought out, stuffed myself, then went home and watched an episode of The Mindy Project in the bath”

Ashley Major


Immediately after my last OCI, I flew home to Ottawa to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family

  • Sydney Hopkins


I went to sleep and woke up in a new Bugatti

  • Victor Kim

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