Get ready for a spooktacular October!
MONDAY, October 26
Pumpkin Carving Contest
A pumpkin carving contest to start the spooky season! Students had the opportunity to pick up a pumpkin, carve it, and submit a photo of their gourd-eous baby for a chance to win a prize. SLS will be reimbursing students up to $10 for the cost of pumpkins and carving tools while supplies last. Let your creative spirit fly!
SLS will be accepting pumpkin submissions up until November 1 at midnight. Voting for the best school pumpkin will start Nov 2 and run until Nov 8. The winner will be announced the first day back from reading week!
SLS Trick or Treat
A pumpkin emoji was hidden on the SLS webpage. The first 10 people to find the pumpkin won!
TUESDAY, October 27
Halloween Trivia
We partnered with Out in Law for this event for some spooktacular questions.
Guess the Candies
A classic game played at Halloween parties everywhere. Students had the opportunity to test their estimating abilities and guess how many candies were in a jar. The photo was sent out Tuesday morning with winners eligible for a prize.
Submissions for these guesses will be open until Friday Oct 30 at 5 p.m. The winner will be announced shortly after that!
WEDNESDAY, October 28
Spooky Movie Night – Join us online tonight at 9 p.m. to watch a classic Halloween movie from our childhood. Feel free to snack and chat while the movie plays and reminisce on the days where we could actually go outside to trick or treat.
10 Word Horror Story Contest
SLS is partnering up with the Law Library to bring you a writing contest! Get your Poe on and come up with a terrifying 10-word max short story to win. The stories can scare us, thrill us, intrigue us, disgust us – the world is your oyster. Stories will be posted on the library site to get everyone into the spooky season!
The top writers in the following categories will win a prize: (1) Best Overall; (2) Scariest Story; (3) Funniest Story. Some examples to get you excited:“Forgot to brief my cases, was cold called.”
“Don’t turn around, it doesn’t like to be seen.”
Submissions will open today and will be open until midnight on Nov 1. The library will be choosing the top stories and the winners will be announced on Nov 9.
THURSDAY, October 29
Murder Mystery Mixer – join the SLS for a virtual mixer on zoom starting at 7 p.m.! Students will be broken up into teams of four – there will be a drinking game themed icebreaker and then the teams will compete to figure out a virtual mystery. After the game is complete, the rooms will open up for students to move around and mingle. Drinking homemade potions and witches brew is welcome
Students will be broken into a 1L only zoom group and an upper year only zoom group. The first team to figure out the mystery from each zoom event wins prizes!
Sign up will close on October 28 at 10 p.m.
You can sign up as a single, pair, or a team of four for the event.
FRIDAY, October 30
Costume Contest – submissions will open for you to submit your ultimate Halloween costume. Whether you wore it this year or when you were five years old, we want to see the best of the best. This is your chance to finally get bragging rights for winning a costume contest – pride and gift cards are on the line.
Submissions will open today and will be open until midnight on Nov 1. Voting will commence from Nov 2 – 8, and the winner will be announced on the first day back from reading week!