Ultra Vires


Law Love Poetry

Haikus, limericks, and more for the law student

Love Poems

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You’re here in the law library,
Can I study with you?

HHs are high,
LPs are low,
You have distinction,
Let me be your [date]?

Con law is cool,
Property is great,
But my eyes are on you,
And upon you I wait.


It’s Valentine’s Day.
You are looking like a snack
Over this Zoom class.

Hey, you look pretty.
I’m free after contracts class.
Meet at the Fishbowl?


There once was a student in law school
Who thought he was surprisingly cool.
But on Valentine’s Day
His crush turned him away.
No dating in law school was her rule.

I noticed a student in Torts class
Who looks like she gets HH en masse.
Well today is the day
I go to her and say
“I think you have a really nice [face].”

Stevenson owed a duty of care.
Donoghue drank a bottle of scare.
It must have been awful,
And it was unlawful,
But not having you is my nightmare.

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