Ultra Vires


Volume 23 – Issue 6 – March 31

This is it! In our last issue of Volume 23, you’ll find discussion on the Students’ Law Society and Faculty Council updates, including a proposal to once again change the 1L curriculum; Toronto 1L recruit numbers; mooting hot takes; reviews galore from Ryan Shah’s last-ever movie corner to Associate Dean Essert’s updated views on pizza; poetry contest winners; reflections on the Faculty’s accommodations policy; our Promise Auction bid; and more!

As we say a heartfelt goodbye to our Volume 23 EiCs, Sabrina Macklai (2L JD/MI) and Annecy Pang (3L), we welcome our incoming EiCs for Volume 24, Harry Myles (2L) and Shae Rothery (2L). UV will resume publishing monthly issues in September under their leadership.

The articles contained in this issue will be published to ultravires.ca within the week. Print copies are available now on stands across the law school.

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