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How to Plan a Valentine’s Day Date

Study room for two?

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and with it comes the annual panic over planning a special date for you and your significant other. Restaurant reservations are filling up, and you barely have time to finish your readings, let alone figure out a night on the town. Well, fret no more, because I am about to introduce you to the hottest, most exclusive spot in the city: the Bora Laskin Law Library. Follow these easy steps to set up a romantic date to woo that lovely law student you’ve had your eye on for a Valentine’s Day they’ll never forget.  

The Venue: Set yourself up for success. Create an intimate atmosphere by booking a study room for a little private time. Flex the minuscule planning skills you have by booking a 12:30–2pm slot before they fill up. For the freaks out there, book 9–11pm for the thrill of being the last ones around.

The Décor: It’s a bad idea to bring candles, but don’t worry—a sun lamp borrowed from the circulation desk will light up the room just as well. Before your date arrives, build them a laptop stand from hardcover law reviews so they don’t have to hunch over their computer screen. Clearly, you’re a thoughtful partner who cares about their ergonomic health.

The Gift: Flowers are so cliché. Surprise your date by giving them a copy of the Income Tax Act. “The 3,000 pages represent my voluminous love for you!” Don’t tell them it’s available for free in the Bookstore or that you would rather LP every class than go into tax law.

The Food: You could hope there’s an event going on and attempt to scrounge up a meal out of leftover snacks. You could bring a frozen microwave meal to school and heat it up in the kitchenette. You could eat granola bars you’ve been keeping in your locker since the beginning of 1L. You could drink coffee/tea and claim you’re suddenly really concerned about following the rule against food in the library. The possibilities are endless.

The Conversation: LSSEP interview offers come out on Valentine’s Day, but DO NOT talk about them. You can do better than that (I know you won’t, but you could). Focus on nicer things, like the cute dogs on the Back Lawn or how the blue light of the sun lamp makes your date’s complexion glow. 

The Activity: This started as a date idea, but let’s be real—both of you will spend the next two hours studying. But that can be romantic too! Your dedication to each other is rivalled only by your dedication to law school. After all, the couple that studies together competes for a partner-track Bay Street Big Law LLP job together. And that’s the real meaning of romance.

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