Ultra Vires


Letter from the Editors


February 28, 2023

Dear Readers,

You made it! Reading week has come and gone, and we are at the halfway point of the term—only two more months ‘til sweet, sweet summer freedom. We hope everyone had a chance to relax (and not read) during reading week and feel refreshed for the final stretch. 

In this issue, we have our usual SLS and Faculty Council updates, along with several topical stories on recent violence on public transit, TTC budget cuts, the reopening of Goodmans LLP Café, and a cheeky take on a certain mayor’s resignation. 

We are also excited to feature this year’s winners of the library poetry contest as well as the first In Beer Veritas review of the Craft Beer Club! Our opinions section is likewise a-buzz with hot takes on the Faculty moot requirement, intersessions, and exam feedback. 

Stay strong in these final two months and perhaps take a break with a crossword (we hear the back page has one). As always, if you have any comments or want to get involved with UV, you can reach us at editor@ultravires.ca. 


Harry Myles & Shae Rothery
Co-Editors-in-Chief, Ultra Vires Vol. 24

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