Ultra Vires


U of T Law Forces Graduating Students to Commit Crimes Against Fashion

Who decided pink and white fur was a good look?

An unsuspecting graduating student draped in the offending sash. Credit: New Paramount Studios (please don’t sue us for copyright, I pinky-promise my mom bought this photo even though I told her it’s ugly)

Graduating students have a lot to look forward to: astronomical licensing fees, repayment of student loans and lines of credit, and photos featuring the ugliest sash known to mankind. Seriously, who decided that a pink sash with a white fur trim was a good look? 

Now, I’m no fashion expert. I admit, I’ve made some questionable attire choices in the past. But even I know that mixing pink and white for any occasion that isn’t a bridal shower is a questionable choice at best. This isn’t 2017, U of T Law! Millennial pink is out.  

The shade of pink is far from a flattering one. It’s not a true baby or hot pink—but instead, some awful bubblegum-esque monstrosity that does absolutely nothing for individuals with even a drop of melanin in their bodies (although I suppose that’s an issue this law school is not entirely concerned about).

Don’t even get me started on the fur. I know that fur had its moment again in 2021—but it’s 2023 now. We’ve moved on, and our sashes need to as well. Plus, if you’re going to do fur, you better do it right. I’m not suggesting we use real fur but for goodness sake, don’t use whatever itchy, cheap fabric that currently looks like you skinned a Dollarama rabbit plushie. 

Put together the Pepto Bismol pink with the SHEIN-quality fur and you have the U of T Law graduation sash! Starting at a hefty $85, photos of you in this hot mess can be printed and featured on your mom’s fridge for your extended family to judge every holiday. Yet another perk of coming to this fine institution! 

I’d be a little less cheesed if this was just the law school norm. Sure, it’d still be ugly, but at least I’d take comfort in knowing even the Osgoode kids have to commit a fashion faux pas. But, no—Osgoode students get to wear red! Some quick Googling revealed that while fur may be attached to graduates from higher degree programs, the traditional colour for the sash (or “hood”) is purple. This makes a lot of sense. Purple is regal, powerful, and doesn’t make graduates look like they’re going to their kindergarten show-and-tell. Why U of T Law settled on this tacky Dr. Seuss Thneedknock off is a mystery. 

I’ve written a lot for Ultra Vires over the past three years. Some might say that I like complaining. I disagree. I only write about issues of the utmost importance to our law school community. And this? This is the gravest issue I’ve covered to date. I sincerely hope that next year’s graduates do not have to suffer these crimes against fashion. 

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