Even as I applied to New York firms, I never really expected I’d come here, and as I flew back from my interview, was pretty
Even as I applied to New York firms, I never really expected I’d come here, and as I flew back from my interview, was pretty
Point/Counterpoint: Has UV jumped the shark?
Point: Yes. UV is full of shit. Michael Robert (3L) UV was once a forum for law school gossip, ribaldrous humour (dick jokes) and the occasional
Talk Has Just Started: A Dissident’s Views on the Tuition Petition
Over the past month, over 400 hundred students have signed a petition to end annual 8% tuition fee hikes at the University of Toronto Faculty
If UV ink spilled is any indication, a number of U of T Law students think our tuition is too high (or, at the very
Internet memes have become hugely popular lately, but not everyone knows what they are. In fact, they are surprisingly difficult to explain, so we’re not
Point/Counterpoint – Online Dating: Yes or Never?
Point Michael Robert (3L) & Robbie Mac (2L) There’s a comedian who has a great bit about a garbage man trying to pick up women on
2012 Year in Review: Top 10 UV Articles About Dating
Of the Top 10 keyword searches that brought readers (mostly to their dismay) to Ultravires.ca this December, four were derivations of “Ultra Vires.” And four
UV Year in Review: Top 10 Stories of 2012
10. For the first time ever, a mouse is spotted in the law school. https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=455765657807665&set=a.441171982600366.127522.335964726454426&type=1&theater 9. Articling changes. UV writes about it. http://ultravires.a2hosted.com/2012/11/articling-in-ontario-radically-remade/
Point/Counterpoint: Are UT Law students as hot as they think they are?
Point Matt Brown According to the 2012 UV Recruitment Survey, the average 2L is about a 7.5 on the universal attractiveness scale. 1/3 of respondents