Ultra Vires


How to Get Out of Writing an Article for UV

…even though Honghu keeps nagging you to write one

1. Fake cough and say “I’m sick” like Karen from Mean Girls.
2. Pretend you hit your head and are now suffering from amnesia.
3. Ask “What’s UV?” any time he brings it up. (see #2)
4. Stop responding to his messages and avoid eye contact when you see him.
5. If he manages to stop you in the hallway and asks why you’re ignoring him, pretend you don’t know where you are or how you got there. (see #2)
6. Transfer to Osgoode and hope you never meet the Editor-in-Chief of Obiter Dicta.
7. Drop out of law school altogether and pursue your real dream of opening an owl café. (it’s like a cat café but with owls)
8. Tell him you’ve lost all ability to read or write. (see #2)
9. Fake your own death.
10. Give in and write a fluff piece for Diversions.

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