Dear Denning


Dead hand from the grave opines on current problems

Alfred Thompson (‘Tom’) Denning, Baron Denning by Bern Schwartz © National Portrait Gallery, London.

Q: Dear Denning, the only date I had on Valentine’s Day was my 6 to 8 PM evening lecture. Tort or no tort? —Lonely in Law

A: In February, Current Problems in Contract Law is the delight of everyone. Therefore, there is no tort. However, the 2018–2019 JD Admissions Guide includes a promise that students will “Transcend Their Textbooks.” This is doubtlessly a contractual promise. You could make a claim grounded in promissory estoppel. There are estoppels and estoppels, and this is surely the latter. However, your school has no obligation to provide the requisite sad human willing to go out with you. In conclusion, wait until summertime, when cricket is the delight of everyone instead.  



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