Ultra Vires


Rom-Coms to Watch on Valentine’s Day (alone, with a bottle of merlot)

Or bodacious red, if you prefer… In Vino Veritas isn’t around to judge you

February is the worst month. It’s freezing cold, there’s nothing left of the holiday spirit (320 days till Christmas doesn’t really have a ring to it), and the sting from the 1L recruit PFOs hasn’t quite subsided yet. And to top it off, all your friends are going out for dinner dates and the closest thing you have to romantic contact is avoiding your classmates on Tinder.

But not to despair: Ultra Vires’ Valentine’s day movie list (and copious amounts of wine) can still save your night! Read below to pick the movie that’ll best match your mood.

Ghosted by your Bumble date: “He’s Just Not That Into You”

She didn’t text you for four days but that just means she’s really busy with work, right? (Wrong). In the absence of a friend to tell you to get back to swiping, get that same solid advice from Alex the bartender.

Married to your grades: “Legally Blonde”

Channel your inner Elle Woods after she realizes she’ll never be “good enough” for Warner as you start preparing summaries before reading week. Love may be fickle, but nothing is more reliable than a transcript full of HHs.

Your trusty Galentine has a SO now: “27 Dresses”

Yeah, you’re the only single person in your friend group and perpetually third-wheeling dates, but at least you didn’t spend thousands of dollars on a closet of dresses that you’ll never wear again.

You’re in law school and bae is in another city: “Going the Distance”

Whether bae is in a different time zone, out of town for work, or just goes to Osgoode (basically a different city), you can console yourself with the fact that you don’t have to share the wine tonight.

Settling into the single life: “How to be Single”

This one is kind of self-explanatory. Also, Robin’s hard-drinking habits and ability to show up to work after partying until the wee hours of the morning are almost guaranteed to make you feel really good about yourself.

You’re in a happy, fulfilling relationship:

Wait, why are you reading this? Also, if your company for the night is a bottle of Bodacious, are you sure?

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