Ultra Vires


The Ultra Vires Crossword


5. Law school clinic known for constitutional advocacy, informally

8. A professor who moonlights as a Jeopardy champion

9. A popular upper-year course, slangily

11. Thriller novelist Beverly

12. A Nobel-Prize winning algorithm

17. A sister watching over us

18. HH, H, P, LP, or the symbol of justice

20. A busted Supreme Court Justice

21. The best section of Ultra Vires

22. Nine people dress like Santa Claus here

27. Room where moot points are made


1. Law school clinic at the centre of a hiring controversy, acronym

2. You need one to enter the law school

3. The greatest newspaper at the Faculty of Law

4. The City of ____, in the Province of Flavelle

6. Students that are not in law school, acronym

7. A newspaper ____, or the year after 3L

10. Where schools of fish study, or the quietest space in the library

13. A sister formerly known for her coffee

14. Society that governs lawyers in Ontario, acronym

15. A hairy former dean known for his snacks

16. What a Latin speaker might say in passing

19. Law school clinic where a racoon recently died (RIP), acronym

22. A teaching method favoured by many professors

23. An affixed 1L course

24. Daily ritual at U of T in 2022

25. $33,040

26. Elle Woods scored a 179


Clue Answer 
Where schools of fish study, or the quietest space in the library Fishbowl 
Students that are not in law school, acronymSNAILS
A hairy former dean known for his snacksYak 
A Nobel-Prize winning algorithm Cognomos 
A professor who moonlights as a Jeopardy championNiblett 
Thriller novelist Beverly McLachlin 
Nine people dress like Santa Claus hereSupreme Court
Law school clinic where a racoon recently died (RIP), acronymDLS
Law school clinic at the centre of a hiring controversy, acronymIHRP
A busted Supreme Court Justice Bora Laskin
What a Latin speaker might say in passing Obiter dicta 
Society that governs lawyers in Ontario, acronymLSO
The greatest newspaper at the Faculty of LawUltra Vires
A newspaper ____, or the year after 3LArticle 
The best section of Ultra ViresDiversions 
Daily ritual at UofT in 2022UCheck
$33,040 Tuition
An affixed 1L course Property
A popular upper-year course, slangilyBiz org 
You need one to enter the law schoolFob
Room where moot points are madeAbella
A sister watching over usOsler
A sister formerly known for her coffeeGoodmans
Elle Woods scored a 179LSAT
The City of ____, in the Province of FlavelleFalconer
Law school clinic known for constitutional advocacy, informallyAsper
HH, H, P, LP, or the symbol of justiceScale
A teaching method favoured by many professorsSocratic

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