For those of you without a classics background
lex retro non agit – Lex is not aging well
stare decisis – to stare decisively
mos pro lege – legit moshing professional
ex turpi causa non oritur actio – he was a twerp who never listened, so I broke up with him
res publica – public toilet
de minimis non curat lex – it is not cheap to fix a Lexus
audi alteram partem – on the other hand, we have parts for an Audi
pro bono – for Paul Hewson
nemo judex in sua causa – the judge in his case is a clownfish
animus possidendi – your pet is possessed
jus sanguinis – juice for vampires
non compos mentis – you can’t compost Mentos
videlicet – incredibly tasty
ex post – a letter from your ex
ex parte – a party you have when you break up with someone
ex ante – the ex-wife of your aunt or uncle
ab extra – love-handles